lunes, 19 de enero de 2009

Do you want more about blast furnaces?

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What are the differences between this old blast furnace and the modern ones?
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Unknown dijo...
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Héctor Padrón Guadarrama dijo...
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chica de ojos azules dijo...
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chica de ojos azules dijo...

the old process need water but the new don´t needed.
The old process is more bad because if we for any think we haven´t water we can´t do the process.
The new we have to do of 10 mm,adn in the old that is not necesary.
The new the iron have to pas for a process that the metal have to go out in littles aglomarate grain called sinter,but in the old all thinks are more easy.

Jadame dijo...

The new one is mechanizied and the old one was propelled by water.

Unknown dijo...

the new kilm to work with quimic energy and other with the water energy

Unknown dijo...

The old one need to work with water but the other one (the new)don't use water to work.

Johnny Cejas Montero. dijo...

The differences are that the old blast furnace need water and bellows to run. While the modern ones don't need water just introduce the iron,coke and other materials in the oven, then, the iron is separated(with very impurities)and is led to the steel(where is purified)

Alba dijo...

A new furnace don't need water to work and has more furnaces for continue the work, but old furnace needed water because if don't has water to move waterwheel can't do a work.

Azael Padrón Benítez dijo...

A blast furnace is part of the scrap(chatarra).
· high purity.
· big effectiveness"eficacia" thermal.
· can control the temperature.
· have minor scale.
· polluter the steel.
· big consumption=consumo electrical.
This furnace generates the heat thanks to the induction electrical of a means"medio" conductive named, a metal. Is clean... And have the impossibility of refimiento.
Bye. AZAEL...

AGG dijo...

The diference between old and new furnace is that the old furnace need water to do the work but the moderm furnace no.Other diference is in the moderm furnace the metals pass for more works in the old no.And the final diference is in the moderm furnace is more easy work with the metal in the old furnace is more dificult.

Edgar Gaspar dijo...

the diference is that the old blast furnace use water to work and the new blast furnace no is necesary use the water to work

Carla Arteaga dijo...

The differences are:
-Old furnace need water and the new furnace don´t need
-Other differene, in the new furnace the ir0n,coke and other materials , pass for more place (= can separated better)
The result about the difference is , the new furnace is better for work and more easy ..

Rakekubi dijo...

The diference into the new form and the (antigua) form is thath in the (antigua) only have a one furnace and take the raw materials directly and precipitade inb a one furnace, after, the action of the water move the water mill and one glass blower pluff the air on the furnace.
And, in the new form is more easy, becouse, first is same, but after, the water mill dont exist and have other furnace that mixture with oters materials


Unknown dijo...

the diference is that the blast furnace no use the method of water, only use a ventilator

Unknown dijo...

The difference between the new furnace and blast furnace is: one need a water energy and the other dont need water.


Héctor Padrón Guadarrama dijo...

The diference are:
-The modern blast furnaces haven´t got water, have a ventilator.
-The modern blast furnaces have two furnaces.One to the mixture of substances and the other to produced a type of metal.

ungranamorunagranvida dijo...

The old furnace is necesary use a oxigen,water,.. and in this new furnace are mecanik.

Alba Tafayt dijo...

In the old process, the persons needed water to maked, but in the new process the person doesn't needed the water to maked

Nashira :) dijo...

the old process need water but the new don't need.the old process is more bad because if we for any think we haven't water we can't do this process.the new have to do of 10mm and inthe old no is the new the iron have to pas for a process that the metal have to go aut in litter aglomerate grain colled sinter but in old all thinks are more easy