miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2009

ENGLISH (2nd Secondary) - Enter the World of Carnival!

How did Carnival begin? Where does it take place nowadays?

How is it celebrated?


martes, 24 de febrero de 2009

ENGLISH (2nd - Secondary) - Vocabulary on Science: MOTION

I hope this vocabulary helps you to understand your units on MOTION & NEWTON'S LAWS OF MOTION. We'll do some practice on reading, vocabulary and comparatives & superlatives on these units after Carnival at English class. See you then!

Newton's Laws of Motion

domingo, 22 de febrero de 2009

ENGLISH (2nd - Secondary). FESTIVITIES: Carnival!

As you know, the main theme for Carnival this year 2009 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is 'Pirates'. Read the following and find the information asked entering the websites given. Send an e-mail to your English teacher with your answers.

Pirates in the Canary Islands